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九德藝術棲地 Gudeok Art Habitat

2017 open arts project in Busan




尺寸:6m(L) x3 m(W)x 3m(H)


地點:韓國釜山九德山 (35.1276 N, 128.9942E)






2017 International Open Arts Project in Busan

Title: Gudeok Art Habitat

Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih

Material: Stone, Branches, Sisal rope

Size: 6m(L) x3 m(W)x 3m(H)

Year: 2017

Location: Gudeok mountain, Busan, Korea (35.1276 N, 128.9942E)

Work conception:

The artist looks like the recipient of the natural message. They speak the natural whisper through the art form.They transform their own natural experience to the poetic image.

There are many ancient stories are related about the stone. Such as the birth of man,Spirits legend, Wizard story and so on.Those stories are still having a certain degree of impact on modern society.We all listened to the nature with awe and respect with the natural ethics.

Busan found a lot of shellfish relics in the Neolithic Age. The cities stand on this high and low mountains and people resident in there that nearby the ocean and the mountains. "Mountain" is my strong image of Busan. My residency space locates nearby the Gudeok Mountain. The mountain has accumulated large and small stones on the path. Stone is the symbol of perseverance for human being and the soft nature of the branches is about creativity of life.

This work belongs to one of the "Habitat" series. It combines the big stone and the site branches of the GudeokMountain which I choose, and try to create a habitat here. It seems like an organism quietly resting here. It responds this special environment and culture, and tells the importance of coexistence between man and nature.

타이틀: 구덕예술해비타트(거주지)

아티스트: 이괴지李蕢至(Lee, Kuei-Chih)

재료: 돌, 가지, 사이잘로프

장소: :35.1276 N, 128.9942E


이예술가는자연의메시지를받은듯하다. 그들은예술의형태로자연과속삭인다. 그리고그들의자연적인경험을시적인이미지로승화한다. 돌에관한아주많은고전이야기가있다. 인간의탄생, 영혼에관한전설,마법사이야기등등과같다.이이야기들은지금현재중요한사회의영향력을어느정도가지고있다.우리모두는자연의경외감을듣고자연적인도덕심을존경한다.

부산은신석기시대의조개유물들을많이발견된다. 이도시는높고낮은산들에어울러있고부산사람들은바다주변에그리고산주변에서살아간다. “산”은나에게강한부산의이미지이다. 나의레지던시공간은구덕산옆에자리잡았다. 이산의길은크고작은돌로쌓여만들어져있다. 그돌은인간을위해보존된심볼(상징)을나타내고부드러운자연의나뭇가지들은생명의창조함을나타낸다.

이작품은해비타트(Habitat,거주지) 시리즈에포함된다. 이것들이큰돌과구덕산에서내가고른장소와결합하여만들고나는이곳을해비타트(Habitat,거주지)로만들려고노력했다. 꼭하나의생물체가조용히존재하는듯해보인다. 이번작품은이특수한환경과문화에답하는작품이고인간과자연의공존의중요성을말하고있다.


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