尺寸:3000cm(L) x 3000cm(W) x 350cm(H)
工作人員:Rivera Figueroa Lua Fernanda、劉季易、張國耀、陳抒漫、許光輔、黃志豪、阮聖雅、蔡蕙年、陳宇航
「高雙陂塘漣漪迷宮」作品是我參與「2020桃園地景藝術節」在桃園市的稻田裡的自然雕塑。美麗的稻田景象勾起了我兒時被水稻田包圍的童年記憶景象,水稻田裡的漣漪常伴隨著勞動者的耕作出現並蕩漾開來,也成為我最美麗的創作與生命養分。而慢慢在田裡泛起的巨大漣漪雕塑作品就像是農夫細心照料下金黃飽滿成長的精神收成。 我以水的意象做為創作的思考觸媒與實踐,並結合著迷宮的概念而成形。迷宮有著遊戲與尋找的特質,也意味著生命的歷程。人類與自然一起共生,生命也正是在不斷尋覓的過程中而成長。
Title: The Ripple Maze at Gaoshuang
Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih
Size: 3000cm(L) x 3000cm(W) x 350cm(H)
Location: Gaoshuang Farmland, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Year: 2020
Staffs: Rivera Figueroa Lua Fernanda/ LIU,JI-YI/ Chong, Kok-Yew/ Tan, Sook-Muar/ XU,GUANG-FU/ HUANG,ZHI-HAO/ RUAN,SHENG-YA/ TSAI,HUI-NIEN/ CHEN,YU-HANG
Photography team: kotsukotsu
Drone photos by Kevin Lin
2020 Taoyuan Land Art Festival_Creative Cityscaping
"The Ripple Maze at Gaoshuang" work is a natural sculpture in the rice fields of Taoyuan City. The beautiful scene of the rice field evokes my childhood memories of being surrounded by rice fields when I was a child. The ripples in the rice fields often appear along with the farming of laborers, and they have become my most beautiful creation and life nutrient.
I use the image of water as my creative thinking catalyst and practice, then form it combine with the concept of the maze. The maze has the nature of a game, and it also means the process of finding a way out. Humans and nature coexist and grow together, and our lives grow in the process of constant search.
This work is made of bamboo, which is common in Asia, has a long history, and is widely used in daily life. It is also a green and sustainable material for architecture. In the working land of rice farmers, I use this green and sustainable material with Taiwan's local characteristics to produce in the farmland, so that the artwork and the land can coexist harmoniously. Using the image of ripples and mazes to interpret life like water, with the characteristics of circulating, coincidental and flow, and it also expresses the poetic image after my own natural experience, responding to the humanistic thought of nature as the spirit in Chinese natural philosophy.
The work conveys the importance of the coexistence of mankind and nature and the sustainability of the environment. Spreads our concern for the environment by the diffusive energy of the ripples, and recreates the scenery in this charming rice field.