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香蒲螺旋 Cattail Spiral

2017 UP自然藝術節 _“自然遊樂場”









2017 UPO Nature Art Festival _ ”Nature playground”

Title: Cattail Spiral

Artist: Lee, Kuei-Chih

Location: Upo Wetland Ecological Experience Park, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea

Materials: Branches, Bamboo, Natural rope

Year: 2017

Work conception:

Life is a kind of spiral movement process;It is also the most common in nature, and the most basic forms of material movement. The spiral phenomenon for understanding the universe of the world has an important inspiration and reveals, and also the physical concept of time and space. Wetlands have the function of water resources regulation, and it can purify water quality and provide food resources and habitat, it is a biological diversity of ecological areas.

The work is located in the Cattail (Typha orientalis Presl) wetlands. It looks like the water flowing in this wetland, interprets the moving of the life spiral and responds to the theme of the festival "Nature playground" and become part of this wetland, and the landscape will change by each season also. The habitat of the wetlands is the natural shelter of the creatures, and the field of human thought between nature. And the names of all kinds of creatures in the wetlands and many greetings are written down on the hanging bamboo pieces, it passed out our messages to the nature by wind and the sounds of bamboo. It in the original landscape to establish a harmonious relationship between the natural dynamic balance, and corresponding to the ecological chain and the land art of the aesthetic spirit.


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